Marine Cargo Inspection, Logistics and General Services

Professionalism and Integrity

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Welcome to Abrafel Global Services Limited

Abrafel Global Services Ltd. is a company incorporated in 2012 in the federal republic of Nigeria under the company and Allied matters Act 1990 is a wholly indigenous company as it is fully local content in personnel and resourcing.

The company fully commenced operations in 2020 and has since then been actively involved in cargo operations, with core focus on marine cargo superintendence and survey services, including oil and gas products quality/quantity monitoring. Abrafel Global Services Limited is a wholly indigenous company with 100% Nigerian equity holding

Key Services Offered :

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Our Core Services

Marine Inspection services

AGS provide inspection services of cargoes of seagoing vessels to certify compliance with national and international health and safety regulations in cargo handling and storage

Freight Forwarding

At Abrafel we acts on behalf of importers, exporters or other companies or persons to organise the safe, efficient and cost-effective transportation of goods taking into account the type of goods and the customers' delivery requirements.

Logistics & Courier Services

Abrafel provides and Organises transportation activities, including storage of goods, managing information accrued from point of origin to delivery, orchestrating transportation movements, and arranging for services as necessary.

General Services & Contractor

AGS Provides General Professional services which includes but not limited to Janitorial services, waste management, fumigation and pest control and goods supply.

Oil and Gas Services

We performs design evaluations and recommends alterations to improve safety, cost savings and efficiency. May conduct risk assessment and cost estimation.

Other Services Includes:

On/Off Hire Bunker
We are experts in undertaking On/Off Hire Bunker Survey before the vessel is delivered to a charterer, or redelivery from a charterer. This calculation determines the exact amount of bunkers onboard a vessel at the time of the vessel's delivery/redelivery.
Haulage Service
We Provide sound trucks for conveying our clients goods/cargoes out of ports to their destination.
Waste Management Services
AGS also provides comprehensive waste management, offering services such as garbage collection and disposal, recycling and dumpster rental.
Condition Survey
We undertake vessel inspection at the beginning and at the end of chartering. it aims at checking the overall condition of the vessel. we inspect the cargo holds, deck, hull, engine room, and cargo working areas then report the condition accordingly
Draft Survey
This is cargo measurement for Bulk cargoes. e.g Bulk Wheat, Cement, fertilizer etc. It is used to ascertain the quantity of cargoes loaded or discharged from a vessel
Warehousing Services
We also provide warehousing services where our clients goods are adequately stored for later delivery
Cleaning/Fumigation Services
AGS provides environmental management and Janitorial services such as Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly maintenance of vessels, Commercial and Industrial Cleaning Services and Pest Control Measures
Clearing and Forwarding
We carry out oil and Gas services which involves the determination of the quantity and quality of the products which aides in providing sound logistics guide for our client.
Cargo Superintending/Tallying
We monitor discharge operations and the state of the cargoes while we report accordingly within scheduled time
Oil & Gas Services
We carry out oil and Gas services which involves the determination of the quantity and quality of the products which aides in providing sound logistics guide for our client.
Damage Survey
At AGS, we evaluate damage cargoes to determine cause and extent of damage on the affected cargoes.
Claims & Investigation
Our professional, competent and highly motivated team possess the technical know-how and experience to undertake appropriate and effective course of action relating to claims which includes On site attendance, loss mitigation, loss prevention and recovery recommendations